It's not about the ribbons, it's about being your horse's teammate...

(Though the ribbons don't hurt and our students win plenty of them!) Our training books, online courses, audio lessons and elite coaching services bring real results, smiles and a skillset deserving of your fabulous horse, to a wide variety of equestrians. Whether you are an adult amateur rider just getting back into the sport, a hobby rider looking to gain more confidence or a competitive athlete looking to move up in levels, our training plans will help you achieve even your biggest riding goals.


What readers are saying...

  • Step One

    Choose Your First 30 Day Training Plan based on you and your horse's goals, challenges and interests. Don't know where to start? Start with Volume 1 Seeing Distances or our 90 Day Pre-Built Training Plan Book Bundles.

    Shop Book Bundles Here 
  • Step Two

    Follow the book's exercises and instructions to the T! You will be provided with everything you need from weekly warm up, pole and jumping exercises as well as your cooldowns all the way to mindset & non-riding homework, journal entries, progress trackers and more.

    Shop Books Here 
  • Step Three

    Turn in your #homework! Every person who shops with us will have full access to our private community. Post your riding videos for the chance at getting feedback, your mindset homework for accountability or share your wins, questions and results! Our team is here to help support you on your riding journey and help you reach your riding goals.

    Shop All Here 

Don't know where to start?

Jumpers and Eventers can start with Book 1 Seeing Distances for every horse and rider level.

Dressage riders, Endurance/Trail or Hobby Riders can start with Book 1 Perfecting Rhythm for every horse and rider level.

A Word From Your FEI Coach...

The internet has both helped and hurt the equestrian world. On the plus side, riders in remote areas with no access to top-level coaches can now train with experts right from their phone. But the downside? Anyone can claim to be a "coach" and post videos that get millions of views, often teaching incorrect methods.

Tired of seeing these "fake gurus" spreading bad advice, I decided to take action.

For over 20 years, my students worldwide have achieved incredible results—results they couldn’t get from outdated methods. After traveling to the farthest corners of the globe in search of answers, I’ve developed an approach that’s the *opposite* of what everyone else teaches. No more following ineffective, old-school military techniques. No more frustrating rounds or empty advice without the science to back it up.

These books and programs are for equestrians everywhere who strive to truly partner with their horses. I can’t wait to hear about your success!

New Release!

Horse riding is a SPORT. That's why rider nutrition and health should be our priority! Unfortunately, many of us aren't eating as well as we should due to a lack of time & energy. With this book, you can eat healthy meals which are easy to cook and enjoyable for the entire family.

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